The nature of sharia financial system and Non-Muslim motives have units of sharia financial institutions

The nature of sharia financial system and Non-Muslim motives have units of sharia financial institutions 1. The nature of sharia financial system In my opinion, the syari'ah financial system is a financial system based on the principles and objectives of Islamic Shari'ah. The principles of Islamic shari'a as mentioned by Islamic legal scholars include among others: divine principle / tauhid, freedom, equality / equality, justice, willingness, honesty and truth, and written. [1] The objectives of Islamic Sharia (maqashid syari'ah) are: Hifz al din (maintaining religion), hifz al nafs (nourishment), hifz al 'aql (nourishment), hifz al nasb (keeping the offspring ), and hifz al maal (keepin g property). Thus, the Islamic financial system in practice must be in accordance with divine principles, freedom, equality / equity, justice, willingness, honesty and truth, and written, and in accordance with the maqashid of shari'ah, namely: Hifz al din (maintain...